Bibles For Russia, Inc.
is a Christian foreign missions board, specializing in taking short-term
mission teams to "plant and grow churches" across the former Soviet
Union. Our goal is 1,000. We've been at it since 1988.
As of January, 2010 we reached our goal of 1,000. Along the way, and in
cooperation with local churches, we also minister to orphans, street
children, prisoners, school children and their teachers, hospital and
mental institution patients, "unreached people groups," unsaved young
people, and students preparing for Christian ministry.
Will you join us? |
Every prayer and/or financial offering makes you a partner with the staff and missionaries of Bibles
For Russia and the hundreds of partners with whom we labor "over there." We thank you and pray God
will "bless you and make you to be a blessing to all nations."
Genesis 12: 1 - 3